
EVMavericks Weekly Updates every Monday!


Last updated: 1/29/2023

EVMavericks Weekly #7: Jan 23-29, 2023

Twitter Thread | Reddit Post

Important info:

  1. Proposal to transfer collection rights to The Ben Meadows to verify EVMavericks on Opensea and adjust the banner, etc.
  2. Proposed by Sabishii, EVM Distribution Phase, Vote 1 is happening in #ideas channel thru emoji vote to gauge how we want to proceed. Discuss in #marketing and keep an eye on next phases of votes.
  3. ZombieBP hosted another water cooler voice chat, next one is next Monday (Feb 6th)
  4. Weekly Ethfinance Doots Roundup #4
  5. Chad fund has been setup. Council finalized. Activies have started.
  6. Nuwtox brings up a good point about dangers of Polygon’s multisig after Polygon Team tweets a photo of them being all together.
  7. Treebeard reposts a security checklist
  8. InsideTheSimulation initiates the occasional cleanup of the Discord sidebar and proposes some basic channel restructuring.

Other info:
